Sunday, 5 June 2016

May Book Haul

My first book haul here!  Somehow I have yet to ever do a book haul, and so since I've been acquiring a fair few books recently, I decided to do one and share some of the books I have recently picked up.  And so, enjoy!

1) Wolf By Wolf by Ryan Graudin
I'd seen this one floating around a few months ago or so, but at the time was never amazingly inclined to pick it up, despite it seeming like a book I would enjoy.  But recently when I was browsing my local bookstore, I spotted it, read the synopsis and instantly realised that this honestly did seem like the perfect book for me, someone who loves history but would also like to see an alternative spin on things.  I love the idea of this girl attempting to kill Hitler despite the Nazis winning and am really excited to see what this alternative history is like.

2) The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
It's only been a couple of months since I read the Raven Boys, and already I'm giving in to my usual habit of waiting between reading books in a series by picking this one up.  I utterly adored the first book and can't wait to find out how the story continues and develops, especially after the release of the last one - I'm so scared of spoilers that this series might be read alot quicker than normal!  

3) The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson - 
This release has been everywhere recently, with absolutely everyone picking it up as soon as it was released earlier this month.  Despite this, I was actually planning on holding off from buying it until closer to the summer, as I knew that I wouldn't be able to get round to reading it until then anyway, but it seems I just couldn't wait as I ended up picking this one after I found I could get it a little cheaper a few weeks ago. 

4) The Last Star by Rick Yancey - 
If I had to pick my most anticipated release of this year, then this would almost certainly be it.  Ever since I read the Infinite Sea last year, I have been waiting and waiting for this one to come out so that I can finally continue on with and finish this book series which I have already fallen in love with.  I honestly can't wait to see what happens with all the characters and to finally see how this amazing story will conclude, so much so that I'm hoping for this to be next read.  

5) You Know Me Well by David Levithan and Nina LaCour - 
Anyone who knows me knows how much I love David Levithan and his books, so as soon as I knew this one had been released I just had to pick it up.  Not only this, but it also sounds entirely like my type of book as it follows two people who meet one night and slowly begin to help each as their friendship also begins to develop, and so I'm really excited to read this one, hopefully soon!  

6) Summer Days and Summer Nights by Various Authors (edited by Stephanie Perkins) -
Finally, this is one which I preordered so long ago and almost completely forgot about until I saw other people reviewing it recently.  I adored My True Love Gave to Me and so couldn't wait for this one to be released when I first heard about it.  I can't wait to read some more short stories from some of my favourite authors. and some new ones, and hope to dive into this one very soon.

What are some of the books have you bought recently?


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