Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Top Ten Tuesday Sixty Two

Top Ten Tuesday Rewind -
Top Ten Books I had very strong emotions about

Top ten tuesday is a weekly feature/ meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish.  This week we once again got to choose our own topic, this time from the list of old TTT topics, and so I decided to do ten books that I have very strong feelings about, as I knew instantly some of the books that would perfectly fit into this.  Almost all of these are books I've loved, with some also having moments in them that just left me speechless and in shock so much that my emotions towards that book are pretty strong, its safe to say.  And so, enjoy!

1) Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins - 

To start, I don't feel as though I ever really mention this, but The Hunger Games trilogy is one of my favourite series of all time, and one I have reread so many times now, with Mockingjay being by far my favourite of the books.  So I think its safe to say this is a book I love, and added with the number of events and deaths in this I definitely have pretty strong feelings towards this one of every kind.

2) The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough - 

Honestly by now I think everyone is sick of me talking about this, but the reason I talk about this one is simply because of how amazing a book it is.  It's by far one of my favourites, and so beautifully written that I will convince almost anyone to at least give this one a go.

3) Long Lankin by Lindsey Barraclough - 

As much as I would like to fill this list with books I adore, this one I unfortunately have strong feelings about for the opposite reason, mainly because I feel as though this could have been so good but just fell flat for me.  Whilst I was disappointed with this one, I do think that this one had potential but just didn't live up to it for me.

4) City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare - 

I'll be honest, the key reason this book out of the five Mortal Instrument books is because of how many different emotions I went through when reading this and, probably the key reason, without giving away any spoilers is one of the things that happened at the end which literally broke my heart.  

5) An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir - 

I've only read this one recently, but honestly I'm already so invested in it all and so excited for the sequel that its pretty safe to say I really do have strong feelings towards it.  Not only did I thoroughly enjoy it, but it also kept me on the edge of my seat throughout, something which I always love in a book.

6) The Book Thief by Markus Zusak - 

I don't feel like I have to say much for this one, as I imagine so many people have strong emotions about this one, as it is so beautiful but also has such a heartbreaking ending to it.  This one definitely made me feel so much throughout the course of the story that it is definitely a story and characters that I love.

7) Ice Kissed by Amanda Hocking - 

Another one here that whilst I feel as though I have strong feelings about simply because I loved it, the key reason is because of a certain event at the end that once again was just completely heartbreaking and so unexpected.  Once again, I don't want to spoil anything, but the ending just completely left me in shock and broke my heart with what happened whilst still being such a good book.  

8) Looking for Alaska by John Green - 

This is easily my favourite of John Green's books, and added to that the huge plot twist that comes with it, its safe to say this one definitely made me feel quite a few strong emotions whilst reading it.  This is another that completely shocked me with its massive plot twist and left me with my mouth wide simply out of the unexpectedness of it all.

9) We All Looked Up by Tommy Wallach - 

I feel as though this is another one I have spoken about so much that by now its pretty clear I have pretty strong feelings about this one, simply because of how beautiful it is to me.  I love everything about this one, from the story to the characters to the writing and honestly it was just an all round amazing read.

10) Everyday by David Levithan - 

Finally, this is another one of my favourites where, once again, the ending also gave me such strong feelings.  Not only did it shock me and leave me instantly wanting more, but it also was the first book I read by David Levithan, and so I also have to thank it for introducing to one of my favourite authors.

What books do you have very strong emotions about?  Have you read any of these - what did you think?



  1. I've only read two John Green books(Looking For Alaska, and The Fault In Our Stars), and out of the two, I liked Looking For Alaska WAY better. I haven't read it for some time now, so I don't know if I would feel the same about it now...Maybe I'll just have to reread it one day! :D Great Top Ten! :D My Top Ten Tuesday!

    1. Totally agree I've read four of his books now and its still my favourite, although I am also definitely in for a reread of it soon :)

  2. I love The Book Thief! One of my favourite books ever. I wasn't so keen on Mockingjay actually, I thought it was the weakest of the trilogy. I have A Game of Love And Death and An Ember In The Ashes on my TBR, so I hope I enjoy them as much as you did.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2016/08/10/top-ten-tuesday-69/

    1. Yes The Book Thief is so good! I've heard alot of people who aren't as keen on Mockingjay, and I do understand why some people don't like it. Hope you enjoy both of those, as they two of my favourites so hope you like them too!

  3. Great picks for this week. I haven't read it yet but An Ember in the Ashes is on my to-read list for this month so I hope I enjoy it as much as you did. I also really loved the ending to The Book Thief as well, it was so heartbreaking but so wonderfully written.

    1. Thanks! Hope you enjoy An Ember in the Ashes, as in my opinion it is a really good book, and definitely the ending was so good whilst still breaking my heart at the same time!

  4. oh oh I have VERY strong feelings about The Book Thief. ALL OF THEM ARE STRONG FEELINGS OF HEARTBREAK. @ Paper Fury!

    1. Omg I'm so sorry! I don't know why it deleted half my comment?!? UGH. Anyway! I was trying to say: I have very strong emotions about Looking For Alaska too! Total heartbreak, but it was so perfect and beautifully written. And omg The Game of Love and Death is AMAZING and totally underrated!! I have infinite appreciation for it too. :')

    2. Don't worry not too sure why either! Yes, all of those books are so good, with The Book Thief being particularly utterly heartbreaking but still so beautiful too. So glad to hear someone else loves The Game of Love and Death - no one seems to have read it and yet its so beautiful and an amazing book and deserves so much more love :)
