Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Top Ten Tuesday Forty Nine

Top Ten Bookworm Delights

Top ten tuesday is a weekly feature/ meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish.  I can't tell you how excited I was for this weeks topic, as its so unique and such a fun one to have a go at!  However, I only managed to come up with seven as I haven't had as much time as usual, even if I would have loved to have done ten.  And so, enjoy!  

1) Reading outside in the summer - 
This may be one of the key reasons why I am currently extremely excited for summer, especially as this year I will have even more time to read.  I just love getting home in the afternoon and going to sit in my back garden and read with the sun still high in the sky.

2) Finding a beautiful quote in a book - 
This is kind of a given for me, as I absolutely adore a good quote.  The only thing better than the quote itself is the moment when you find it hidden in one of your favourites. 

3) Finding amazing books at the library
If I had made this list even a month ago or so, then I probably wouldn't have put this on here.  But recently, I can't tell you how much I've been loving going to the library and finding a book I otherwise never would have picked up.

4) Meeting someone who loves one of your favourites as much as you (especially if its an underrated book) - 
I can't tell you how happy I am when I find out that someone else has not only read, but also loved a book I adore.  Not only do I now have someone to share my emotions and feelings about the book with, but I also have someone who I give and share book recommendations with!

5) Books with stunning covers
As much as I try not to, I do sometimes judge a book by its cover.  But as much as this may seem like a bad thing, it sometimes isn't actually too bad as it means me picking up and giving a book ago I wouldn't be interested in otherwise.  Plus, books with covers that are like works of art are just too pretty to ignore.

6) When I discover a sequel I didn't know about
Okay, this might sound strange, but I can't tell you how often I have read a book and only months or so later discovered it had a sequel - I literally spent the entirety of the Numbers series like this.  And after months of thinking that a story I loved has not only ended, but sometimes ended a little open endedly (obviously if its clear nothing's been resolved I figure out there's a sequel), I can't tell you how exciting it is to discover that you get another book! 

7) When your OTP finally get together
I think this a moment everyone can relate to, and everyone loves.  When the two people you've been shipping from the start, after going back and forth for so long finally get together.  It's just great.  

8) When one of your most anticipated releases comes out - 
Now I'm not usually one to be completely up to date with new releases, and it normally takes me a while to pick one up, but even I can agree that the moment you pick up a book you have been waiting for forever is a pretty great moment.  After all that anticipation, its finally in your hands.



  1. I like your list! And such pretty, wonderful books <3 I especially relate to #4 - finding someone who loves my favourites as much as I do is always a wonderfuly thing :)
