Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Top Ten Tuesday Eight

Top ten goals/ resolutions

Top ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme by The Broke and Bookish.  For this weeks topic, I could only come up with six main book and blog related resolutions for 2015, but I thought I'd share them with you anyway, so here they are:

1) Read 50 books/ 50 book challenge - This whole year I have had a massive reading lapse, so i figured that if I have an aim to read 50 books, then I might start reading more frequently and hopefully next year will be a better one for reading!

2) Keep up with my blogging - Since I started this blog in August, I have not been the best at uploading regular posts, particularly in the very beginning.  I'm also scared that I will completely forgot about this in the months to come, so my big aim is to keep this up and to post more regularly.

3) Read more books on my TBR list - This is definitely one which I desperately need to do next year, as I currently have so many books on my shelf that I have yet to read, some which have been up there for far too long, so next year I plan to drastically decrease the list of books I need to read.  

4) Read more classics - I feel so bad for having to admit this, but I have never actually read any classics outside of the ones we read in school, so this is a definite goal for next year in terms of reading.

5) Read more bookish blogs - Despite having a blog dedicated to books and all things related to them, I am so bad at actually reading other blogs, and I'm starting to feel like I need to begin doing this, to support other bloggers like me, so next year I aim to start reading many more bookish blogs.

6) Finish all the series I started this year - Over the last year, I have started so many different series, such as the Percy Jackson and The Mortal Instruments books, but I have yet to finish a lot of them, so I would definitely like to read the rest of the books in these series before the end of 2015.

7) Discover and read new authors - This isn't really something that I haven't done this year, but more something that I would like to continue to do next year, as I love it when I discover a new author that I love and can dive into their treasure cove of books! 


  1. I need to find some new to me authors also... I tend to read a lot of the same authors over and over again!! Happy New Years


    Angela's Anxious Life

    1. Exactly the same as me! Thanks and Happy New Years to you too.
