Sunday, 26 October 2014

Noble Conflict By Malorie Blackman

Review - 

After not reading for a while, I decided to pick up this book as it has been sitting on my bookshelf for far too long.  Even before reading it, I had high expectations after reading Noughts and crosses, so I was hoping this was to be a good read!
Personally, I enjoyed it, but not any more than that.  It wasn’t the kind of book that I couldn’t put down, as it took a fair few weeks to finish it.  I do partly believe that it would be far better enjoyed if you are looking for an intelligent read or one that needs a bit more thought, something that I was not particularly in the mood for.  The language and plot can, at times, be very technical and perhaps hard to follow if you’re taking days between reads, so it’s definitely one better read quickly (otherwise it gets confusing).
Having said that, I did like the overall storyline and plot; it was quite slow to get going, but the last few chapters certainly made up for it.  Although the main storyline can be hard to wrap your head around, when the main questions are answered I assure you it will all make sense.  The plot twists are surprising and I definitely didn’t see them coming!
Overall, I liked this book, but read it the completely wrong time!  I would recommend it to some, but only those who want something with a complex  storyline or who can understand all the technical stuff.


·         "He felt relived, like he wasn’t actually playing the game anymore, but watching from the stands and able to enjoy the spectacle.
              He was past and present, everyone and no one.
           He was both Guardian and Insurgent."

·         "It was as if the pieces of the puzzle were starting to slot into place, but he was too far away – or maybe too close – to see the full picture."

·         "Life is about change.  And change will arrive whether we want it to or not."


·         I’ve got all this ringing in my ears and none on my fingers – Fall Out Boy
·         Stuck in the middle – Boys Like Girls
A love like war – All Time Low feat. Vic Fuentes

Other books:

Noughts and crosses by Malorie Blackman – I know a lot of people will have read this, but seeing as it was also by Malorie Blackman, it only seemed right to put it here.
Divergent by Veronica Roth – I don’t really know why, but I feel as though these are similar in some way, probably due to the slight technical aspect in this one; another one to read if you haven’t already.
Gone by Michael Grant – Another book that is perhaps hard to follow if you read it too slowly; a third book that is definitely worth a read, although you might have to read the whole series afterwards!