As we are already now well over half way through the year, and so now a month into the second half of 2017, I thought I would share some of my most anticipated releases that are coming out in the next few months or so. As much as the second half of the year gave us some fantastic new books, the second half of the year for me seems to be filled by a fair few new releases by some of my favourite authors, which I am so excited to finally be able to read by the end of the year. This is also only a short list of some of my most anticipated release, but there are also so many more amazing books being released as well as these ones. And so, enjoy!

Despite having read some of Maggie Stievfater's books before this year, over the last seven months I have fallen well and truly in love with her books and with her writing. So far, this year I've read The Dream Thieves and Blue Lily, Lily Blue from the Raven Cycle, and I also do plan to read The Raven King before the summer is over, as well as The Scorpio Races, and its safe to say I have loved all of them so much. But because I just can't stop reading her books, I'm pretty sure I'm nearly out of books of hers that I haven't read, and so I was so happy when I saw that she was going to be releasing another book later on in the year.
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I feel like after it was announced that John Green was finally going to be releasing another book, alot of people, including me, are now anxiously waiting for this one to come out. Weirdly, I've also found his books to be quite hit or miss for me, as I loved The Fault in Our Stars, Looking for Alaska and Will Grayson, Will Grayson, but then I also really did not enjoy Paper Towns, and have never even fully read An Abundance of Katherine's because every time I pick it up again, I never seem to be able to read more than 150 pages before I end up DNFing it again. Despite this, I am still so excited to be able to read another of his books, and am looking forward to seeing what this next book holds, especially because the synopsis sounds very interesting, and still doesn't reveal a huge ton about the story, so it will be interesting to see what this one is like when it is finally released in October.
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Anyone whose heard me talk about some of my favourite books or my favourite authors has probably heard me mention Tommy Wallach at least once or twice, as both of his books are two of my all time favourites, and two books that I am continuously recommending any chance I get. However, because I have read both of his books already, and because I read both not long after they were published, it means its been way too long since I read one of his books, as its now not long off a year ago that I read Thanks for the Trouble, his second release. I am therefore so desperate to get my hands on, and be able to read another book by him, and am also so excited to read something a little different from him, as this one is not a contemporary, but instead has an almost dystopian feel to it from the sounds of the synopsis. This is also set to the first book in a trilogy, which means two more books will be coming after this one, something else that I am super excited about, even if I will inevitably have to wait a while for their release.
Publication Date:
3rd October
This is one that I have been excited about ever since I read first saw that Stephanie Perkins was writing a horror story a year or so ago now, so I am so excited to see that this book is finally being released very soon. Not only am I huge fan of Stephanie Perkins other books, but I also love the sound of this one, as anything that is pitched as Scream meets YA is definitely going straight onto my want-to-read list. I'm really curious to see Stephanie Perkins write something quite different to what I'm used to reading by her, and so on top of everything I am also really excited to see how she writes a horror book compared to a contemporary.
Publication Date:
26th September
Finally, this is one that I didn't really think I would have paid all that much attention to had I not read, and adored History is All You Left Me when it read it at the beginning of the year. Although this is the only book by Adam Silvera that I have read so far, and I do still plan on reading the his first book, More Happy Than Not as well, I am already so excited to read this next book by him, as the concept of it is also just so unique and not like anything I've read before. I'm excited to see how this book and this idea plays out, and am also really looking forward to it because I am huge fan of books that take place over just one day or over a short period of time. To top it all off, this book also takes place on the day it is released, which just makes this book even more amazing for me, and one that I am definitely planning on picking up as soon as it comes out!
Publication Date:
5th September
What are some of your most anticipated releases for the rest of the year? Are you excited for the release of any of these?