Sunday, 31 August 2014

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson

Review - 

I recently read this book as one of my summer reads and personally really enjoyed it.  I loved the development of Emily and I think she really appealed to me, a fellow wallflower. 

 I think it’s a great summer read as its fairly light-hearted with only a few intense moments, something I really like in a book for the summer.  I think the romance element is also played well, even if it is pretty clear from the offset (although that might just be me)! 

 The only thing that disappointed me slightly was the ending, that (without ruining anything) didn't quite deliver the message/ lesson I thought it would.  Despite this, I still thought it ended in the right way, even if it’s not how I would have written it.

Finally, I think that the little things in this book (i.e. lists, playlists) really helped me enjoy the book just that little bit more.

Quotes(Sorry, I know they are all romantic!):
“This was wanting to reach over and touch his check, lightly, so as not to wake him.  This was what had been bouncing around somewhere in my mind ever since the night of his birthday when I’d looked at him just a little too long in the moonlight.  It was what I’d felt when we’d danced at the wedding… It was why I wanted to stay exactly where I was, but why I also knew I needed to go." 
“And it was a kiss that felt like it could stop time.”
“And as the sun rose behind us and he bent his head down to kiss me again, I leaned forward.Toward him, and to whatever came next.”

Wake up – Arcade Fire
I’m only me when I’m with you – Taylor Swift  
Quittin’ you – The Band Perry

Other Books:
We were Liars by E. Lockhart - A great summer read about friendship, amongst other things, but a whole lot more intense
Paper Towns by John Green - Another story about a friend who disappears and the journey to find them)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky - A final book about friendship, being a wallflower and coming out of your shell